
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Windows 8 and 8.1 together finally beat Windows XP

Windows 8 is with big torments finally beat a very strong Windows XP operating system. Latest survey from Net Applications analytical house has clearly showed that the popularity of Windows 8.1 in May jumped a lot. On the other hand, the popularity of Windows 7 and Windows XP reduced a lot.

The proportion of users of Microsoft's latest operating system Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 is currently 16.45% (12.88% for Windows 8.1 and 3.57% for Windows 8), while Windows XP is currently controlling 14.6% of the market of desktop PCs and laptops. Most users of desktop PCs and laptops still swears to the Windows 7 operating system, and their share is currently 57.76%, which is slightly less  in compare to April (58.39%).

The proportion of users of Windows Vista remains virtually unchanged compared with the previous month, because to Vista swears 2.01%, the latest Windows 10 TP currently manages around 0.13% of the market. On Apple's OS X operating system currently swears about 7.2% of users and 1.57% of users on a quarter century old Linux, which is more noticeable in comparison with the previous month.