The team of scientists from the Washington university has managed to prepare the system for charging smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices via Wi-Fi. It's a system called Power over Wi-Fi (PoWiFi), which is on top of that compatible with existing wireless routers. A key thing here is a special receiver on a mobile device that is automatically activated in the presence of a Wi-Fi signal and converts into valuable electricity.
The first generation of wireless charging systems PoWiFi operate up to five meters from the router, within 35 minutes, the mobile device has received enough energy for researchers to manage to take a photo. The system was much more effective with smartwatches, as the researchers in approximately two and a half hours managed to fill 41% of the battery. Because of this, many experts believe that the charging of mobile devices via Wi-Fi is initially intended for small mobile devices such as smartwatches, smart bracelets and similar. First such charging systems should arrive on the market in the second half of next year.